
Hilton Head Reporter

Sunday, March 9, 2025

UPDATE: County to Replace Bluffton Pool Roof: Scheduled to Reopen in Late August


The County Engineering department and C.E. Bourne and Co of Greenwood, SC, have developed a construction plan that will cost approximately $900,000 to replace the roof and refurbish the supporting structure. The estimate is based on current pricing for materials and labor instead of simply removing and repairing the affected components.

"The current construction market is full of surprises," said Jared Fralix, Assistant County Administrator - Engineering. "The contractor developed a cost-effective construction plan that enabled us to replace the Bluffton Pool roof and be $100,000 under budget."

The roof panels and structural roof clips that hold the roof to the structural beams will be replaced. The contractor will refurbish, remove corrosion and add anti-corrosive paint to the current beams.

The pool is located at 55 Pritchard St. Bluffton. The original estimates called for in excess of $1 million to remove the roof to make the structure safe for swimmers. 

The County estimates the roof will be replaced and the pool reopened by late August. 

The $900,000 will come from the $9 million surplus the County has identified in this year's 2022 budget.

The pool was closed earlier in April after an initial inspection showed damage that created a high probability that the roof structure would fail in the event of high winds or heavy rainfall.

Beaufort County Parks and Recreation will continue to work with private users and the Beaufort County School district to offer alternative locations for swim activities.

Parks and Recreation Department is currently creating a master plan that includes developing the future concepts for the four Beaufort County pools.

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