
Hilton Head Reporter

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Beaufort County: United Way of the Lowcountry Seeks Input for Future Services and Needs


Beaufort County issued the following announcement on March 3.

United Way of the Lowcountry has launched a public survey requesting input from Beaufort County residents, asking about the needs and services and how they fit into their vision for the future of the Lowcountry.

"Helping our local foundations understand the community's needs and priorities will ensure that funds are allocated equitably and appropriately," said Audra Antonacci – Ogden, Assistant County Administrator, Community Services. "Ultimately, the beneficiaries of this survey will be the local non-profit agencies who work hard every single day to support Beaufort County residents."

This survey is an opportunity to identify critical community needs and issues that affect everyone.

Member agencies of the Together for Beaufort County (T4BC) are hoping survey respondents will help identify and prioritize the County's local health and human service needs. The assessment focuses on key impact areas of basic needs, economic mobility, education, and health.

T4BC is a volunteer-based collaborative, multidisciplinary group that contributes to our community's capacity to address specific societal needs, including health, economy, education, environment, and well-being.

All County residents are encouraged to fill out the survey and share their thoughts on the kind of community they want to live in, what's stopping Beaufort County from being that kind of community and what services or gaps in services currently exist that, if created, would help improve the overall community.

Residents of Beaufort County are invited to complete the online survey at www.uwlowcountry.org/survey. The survey takes less than 15 minutes to complete, and all answers are anonymous. The survey will be available through March.

For residents who don't have access to the internet, paper copies of the survey are available by contacting the United Way office at 843-982-3040.

Original source can be found here.