
Hilton Head Reporter

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Town of Hilton Head Island: Update on Free COVID-19 Testing on Hilton Head Island


Town of Hilton Head Island issued the following announcement on February 26.

Beginning Monday, February 28, COVID-19 testing events on Hilton Head Island will only be offered on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. 

“With the number of COVID-19 cases declining, we have worked with providers to adjust their schedules so they align with the lesser demand from the public for testing. We will continue to monitor cases and will plan accordingly should the need arise for additional testing days,” said Tom Dunn, Emergency Manager for the Town of Hilton Head Island.

Free Drive-thru Testing Event at Crossings Park

Monday, February 28, is the last day the S. C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) will provide free COVID-19 testing at Crossings Park, 4 Haig Point Circle. The drive-thru testing event will be held from 8:30 a.m.to 3:30 p.m. People are encouraged to pre-register for this PCR (nasal swab) test at https://covidtest.dhec.sc.gov/en-US/. Rapid COVID-19 tests are not available at this testing site. 

Free Drive-thru Testing Events at Chaplin Community Park

BrightStar Care will administer free COVID-19 tests from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 2 and Friday, March 4, at Chaplin Community Park, 11 Castnet Drive. Those interested in being tested should enter Chaplin Community Park from Singleton Beach Road and follow signs to the test site. 

Beginning the week of March 7, COVID-19 testing events will only take place on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Chaplin Community Park, until further notice. People are encouraged to pre-register for this PCR (nasal swab) test at https://brightstarlc.e-ppe.com. Rapid COVID-19 tests are not available at this site.

Anyone under 18 years of age should bring their parent or legal guardian. They will need to give their consent before children can be tested at events hosted by SCDHEC and BrightStar Care. 

Original source can be found here.