
Hilton Head Reporter

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Town of Hilton Head Island: US 278 Corridor Improvements Project Launches Public Information Meeting


Town of Hilton Head Island issued the following announcement on February 24.

Today, Beaufort County and the South Carolina Department of Transportation launched a virtual public information meeting for the US 278 Corridor Improvements Project, which will be accompanied by an in-person public information meeting on Thursday, March 3, 2022 from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. at the Hilton Head Island Recreation Center (20 Wilborn Road). All the public information materials that will be available in-person are available now on the project website. The public is encouraged to review and make comments through March 26, 2022.

The purpose of this public information meeting is to provide a project update, demonstrate how public and stakeholder feedback has been used to modify the Recommended Preferred Alternative presented at the Public Hearing in July 2021 and to ask for meaningful input from the public and stakeholders.

"Balancing the community's needs and preferences with potential impacts to the natural environment has been a top priority for this project," said SCDOT Project Manager Craig Winn, P.E. "This public information meeting is about demonstrating how input from the public hearing has been incorporated to address local concerns."

The public is encouraged to submit a comment between February 24 and March 26, 2022. Comments may be submitted on the project website, by email to info@SCDOT278Corridor.com, or by mail (Attn. Craig Winn, 955 Park Street, Room 401, Columbia, SC 29202-0191).

A Spanish translator will be available at the public information meeting, and the public meeting handout is available in Spanish on the project website.

The US 278 Corridor Improvements project proposes improvements to the US 278 corridor between Bluffton and Hilton Head Island, from Moss Creek Drive to Spanish Wells Road. This would improve the final segment of US 278 between I-95 and the Cross Island Parkway. The purpose of this project is to address structural deficiencies at the existing eastbound MacKay Creek bridge and reduce congestion along US 278 from Moss Creek Drive to Spanish Wells Road.

Comments must be postmarked or submitted electronically by March 26, 2022.

This news release was shared on behalf of the South Carolina Department of Transportation.

Original source can be found here.