Greater Bluffton Chamber of Commerce recently issued the following announcement.
Date: Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
- Lisa Sulka, Mayor
- Fred Hamilton, Mayor Pro-Tempore
- Larry Toomer,Council Member
- Bridgette Frazier, Council Member
- Dan Wood, Council Member
The Bluffton Town Council includes the mayor and four council members who serve overlapping four-year terms. Town council members serve at-large, which enables all voters the opportunity to vote on a candidate for each seat. Town elections take place every two years.
About the Board
The Town Council constitutes the legislative body of the Town. The Town of Bluffton operates under the Council-Manager form of government. For more information email the Office of the Town Clerk or call at 843-706-4500.
Public Comment
If you would like to speak during public comment, please fill out a public comment card. Comment cards must be received by the town clerk prior to the start of the meeting. You must be present to read your comment.
Agendas & Minutes
The purpose of the meeting agendas are to provide an outline for the orderly and efficient conduct of council meetings. The agenda sets forth the specific items of business (generally ordinances and resolutions) and the order in which Town Council will consider them. Agendas and packet information will be posted on the site by 12 noon on Fridays preceding the meeting. For questions or comments about current Council agendas and minutes, please contact the Town Clerk at 843-706-4500.
View Most Recent Agendas and Minutes
Original source can be found here.