
Hilton Head Reporter

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Greater Bluffton Chamber of Commerce: 15th Anniversary American Legion Post 205 Golf Tournament


Greater Bluffton Chamber of Commerce recently issued the following announcement.

Saturday, September 18, 2021 8:00 AM at Eagle's Pointe Golf Course (Rain date: September 25,2021)

CHECK-IN REGISTRATION opens at 8:00 AM with coffee, donuts and driving range.

Opening Ceremony at 8:45 a.m. and tee off at 9:00 a.m.


Cost: $90 per golfer/men & women, $80 for Active Duty &Veterans, $70 for Students With ID.

Proceeds from this tournament will support: Fisher House - (housing for families' while veteran is in Charleston VA hospital - see fisherhousecharleston.org); High School JROTC; Palmetto Boys State; Oratorical Contest; Outstanding Law Enforcement Officer; Outstanding Firefighter; Nathan A. Wolfe Academy; Veterans Day Parade and Memorial Day Ceremony.

Hole in One Prizes

GRAND PRIZE - #2 -Hole - BMW

Hole #12 Round Trip anywhere in the U.S.

Hole #5...."Pot of Gold"- Pebble Beach

Hole #17 55"Color T.V.

Hole #1... Prize for The Longest Drive for Men

Hole #11... Prize for Longest Drive for Women

1st and 2nd place teams will be prize winners.

Go to www.alpost2o5.org to print out application for Golf Tournament and details.

email: americanlegionpost205@yahoo.com (Major Credit Cards Acceptable)

Event Flyer HERE

Original source can be found here.