Hilton Head Island issued the following announcement on August 2.
The public is invited to attend one of three community open house meetings to learn more about the plans the Town of Hilton Head Island and its consultant are proposing for the state's U.S. 278 Corridor Improvements Project.
The open houses will be held:
- Monday, August 16 from 9 am to 11 am and from 5 pm to 7 pm at the Island Recreation Center, 20 Wilborn Road.
- Tuesday, August 17 at 9 am to 11 am at the Stephen G. Riley Municipal Complex (Town Hall), 1 Town Center Court.
"Our staff and consultants are working cooperatively with project partners including Beaufort County, SCDOT and the local community to align project design alternatives. The consultants are conducting a fundamental, technical, and civic-based review of the roadway network and community corridor. This review will be critical to establishing the Town’s position on a preferred parkway alternative," said Shawn Colin, Senior Advisor to the Town Manager.
On July 22, SCDOT announced its preferred alternative to address structural deficiencies at the existing eastbound Mackey Creek Bridge and reduce congestion along U.S. 278 from Moss Creek Drive to Spanish Wells Road. On Hilton Head Island, U.S. 278 turns into William Hilton Parkway.
"We want to make sure the public fully understands how recommendations from the consultant will inform elements of a final preferred alternative SCDOT has presented," Colin said.
For more information, contact Shawn Colin at ShawnC@hiltonheadislandsc.gov or 843-341-4696.
Notice: A quorom of Town Council may be present at the open house sessions.
Original source can be found here.